Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basically in an important or central way; at heart.
blunt having a dull edge or point; not sharp.
clash to strike together with force, making a loud noise.
culture the language, customs, ideas, and art of a particular group of people.
density the state or condition of having parts very close together with little space between.
destructive causing complete ruin or destruction.
highly in a way that shows praise or respect.
itch to have a tingling feeling on the skin that causes a desire to scratch.
marriage the state of two people being joined by law, having pledged to be faithful to one another all their lives as a couple.
meanwhile at the same time; during or in the time between.
member one of the people or things in a particular group.
patient a person or animal that is getting medical treatment.
personal relating to or belonging to a particular person, and often not for other people to share or see.
pursue to follow in order to reach or catch; chase.
satellite a heavenly body that moves around a planet or another larger body.