Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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chord2 three or more musical notes played at the same time.
civic of or having to do with citizens or citizenship.
election the process of choosing a person for office by voting.
evidence something that gives proof or a reason to believe.
flunk (informal) to be unsuccessful; fail, as a student in an examination or course.
grubby dirty or messy.
hesitation the act of pausing because of not feeling sure.
nibble to eat in small bites.
opponent one who fights, plays, or takes a position against another.
satisfy to give what is wanted or needed.
skilled having skill.
steam water vapor formed by boiling.
twist to combine by winding together in order to make a single thread.
vanity too much pride in oneself or in how one looks.
wealth a large amount of money or property or the state of having such.