Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bridge a structure that goes over something such as a river or road so that people can travel from one side to the other.
crowd a large number of people gathered together.
crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
early near the beginning of something.
exit a way out.
flicker1 to burn or shine in an unsteady way.
fond having or showing feelings of love.
full holding as much as possible.
greet to use words or simple actions that show pleasure or respect when you meet someone or start a letter.
locker a small metal cabinet that can be locked. It is used to keep clothes and personal things.
lonely unhappy because alone; lonesome.
path a track beaten by the feet of people or animals.
snowy characterized by the falling of snow.
steep having a sharp slope.
terror very great fear.