Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
committee a group of persons chosen to give attention to a particular matter.
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic.
concede to admit the truth or justice of.
custody the legal right to take care of and control someone or something.
dependent relying on another for help or to provide what one needs.
endow to give money or property to.
indignation righteous anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
maniac a person who has a very strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
missile an object or weapon that is thrown or shot at a target that is far away.
peerless having no equal; unmatched in excellence.
political having to do with the study or practice of government and its policies.
sculpture an object of art or craft made by carving, chiseling, or molding.
spectacle an unusual or splendid sight or public show.
unidentified having an unknown or as yet undetermined name or nature; not identified.