Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
agitation the condition of being disturbed, anxious, or upset.
certitude the state, condition, or feeling of freedom from uncertainty or doubt.
culpable guilty of a mistake or fault; blameworthy.
didactic intended to educate or instruct, especially in moral values.
discrepancy lack of agreement; difference; inconsistency.
firmament the entire arch of the sky; heavens.
foreshadow to signal or indicate beforehand; presage; prefigure.
incantation the words or sounds that are uttered or chanted as part of a magical ritual or spell, or the act of uttering such words or sounds.
protean easily changing form or character; variable or versatile.
reprieve to release (someone) temporarily or permanently from planned or impending punishment, pain, or difficulty.
strident harsh-sounding or loud; raucous; grating.
submissive inclined or obliged to submit; unresisting; obedient; docile.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
virile having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine.