Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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concoct to make by putting together a number of parts or ingredients.
disperse to drive away in all directions; scatter.
eulogize to speak or write high praise of, or make a formal tribute to (usually a dead person).
gist the essential part or idea, as of an argument or written work.
grandiose pretentious or pompous.
oscillate to swing steadily and repeatedly back and forth.
petite of a girl or woman, short and slender.
renunciation the act or an instance of giving up or rejecting something, usually as a sacrifice; renouncing.
respective of or belonging to each one.
revoke to take back, cancel, or make no longer valid.
scanty barely adequate; meager.
scintillate to send out sparks.
severance the act, process, or result of breaking off or separating.
wend to go along or proceed on (one's way).
whimsy an odd, fanciful, or capricious notion, or such notions collectively.