Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apparently judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly.
barge a large, long boat with a flat bottom used for carrying freight.
column a vertical list or row.
ease freedom from pain, worry, or hard work.
formula a rule or way of doing something expressed in a standard way using words or symbols.
frill an unnecessary or superfluous ornament or luxury.
glamorous full of or characterized by fascination, allure, or excitement.
hive something built for or by bees to live in.
intelligent having a great ability to reason and understand.
lag to fall behind an expected pace.
mutter to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble.
nominate to choose as a candidate for election.
proper correct for a certain purpose.
sensor a device that detects and responds to certain changes in the environment, such as light, temperature, sound, or pressure.
spiral curving or circling around a fixed point but moving farther away or nearer to it.