Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chalk a type of soft, white stone. Chalk is made into long thin shapes used for writing or drawing.
child a young human.
chum (informal) a close friend; pal.
file1 a place for keeping documents or other objects safe and in order. A file can be something that holds papers or a space on a computer.
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete.
grease a thick, oily material used on a machine to allow the parts to rub together smoothly while the machine is working.
holder an object used for holding.
invite to ask in a polite way to go somewhere or do something.
mustache the hair that grows above the upper lip.
nonsense words that have no meaning or make no sense.
panic a sudden strong fear or anger that causes people to act without thinking.
praise to speak well of.
sew to make or repair with a needle and thread.
untie to free from being tied.
waiter a person who serves customers in a restaurant, bar, or similar place.