Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bold having courage; having little or no fear.
cane a stick made of metal or wood that helps someone walk.
elevator a device that carries people or things from one floor to another in a building. An elevator is like a small room or platform that moves up and down.
enter to come or go in.
few only a small number of.
helicopter a type of aircraft that is held in the air and moved along by spinning blades attached to its top side.
hint a sign or suggestion that is not made in a direct way.
light1 the form of energy that makes it possible for the eye to see. The sun produces light.
odor a smell, often a bad one.
pocket a small piece of material that is open at the top and sewn onto clothing for holding things.
pour to cause to flow in a steady stream.
punch1 a hard, quick hit with the closed hand.
smart intelligent; knowing a lot.
sorrow the feeling of being sad.
stun to shock or amaze.