Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal.
apogee the highest or farthest point.
conformist one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms.
ecclesiastical of or related to the church and clergy.
emend to correct or improve (written text), especially by removing errors; edit.
finite limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.)
fulcrum that which other things are contingent upon or built around; a pivotal point or agent.
gradation a gradual almost imperceptible change, especially from one tone or texture to another.
ineffectual incapable of acting effectively.
meditative disposed to, marked by, or indicating contemplation or reflection; deeply thoughtful.
multifarious of or having a great variety of parts, forms, or kinds; many and varied.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.
temperamental changeable as to mood, nature, operability, or the like; unpredictable.
vagrant one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp.