Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board.
aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
clasp to grasp or grip with a hand or arm, or something like a hand or arm.
denial a statement that something is false.
design a plan or outline showing how something is to be built or carried out, or the way that something is put together or appears in the end because of the way it was planned.
disappearance the act of disappearing or the fact of having disappeared.
evict to legally force to leave a rented property.
frail weak or sickly.
monument something built in memory of a person, event, or special deed.
naked wearing no clothing; bare.
porch a structure, either open or having windows or screens, that is attached to the outside of a house.
review to examine or look over again.
stride to walk with long, even steps.
tentacle a long thin body part on the head or around the mouth of some animals. Tentacles are used for feeling or taking hold of things.
trial the act of hearing a case in court to decide whether or not a person has broken a particular law.