Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agency a company or organization that does business in support of other companies or people. An agency helps people do things that are difficult or complicated to do just by themselves.
aide any assistant or person who gives support.
ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed.
assure to say to with force or conviction.
democracy a form of government in which power rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives.
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary.
manner a way of doing something; style.
postpone to put off until later.
ransom the payment demanded in return for setting a kidnapped person free, or the act of setting someone free by paying the price demanded.
site the location or proposed location of a town, city, building, or event.
skid a sudden, sideways sliding of a vehicle.
stocky thick, sturdy, and often short in build or form; stout.
thatch straw, palm leaves, or other dried plant material used as a roof covering.
touchdown the act of scoring six points in football by catching or carrying the ball behind the opponent's goal line.
unleash to set free from or as if from a leash.