Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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congruity the state or fact of being similar in character or degree;correspondence or fit.
corpulent fat; portly; obese.
crossbreed to cause (a hybrid organism) to be produced by mating two different varieties of the same species.
empathy identification with or sharing of another's feelings, situation, or attitudes.
harangue a long, vehement, and often pompous speech or piece of writing, especially such a speech delivered in public; tirade.
materialism great or excessive concern with the acquisition of wealth or possessions, especially as opposed to the attainment of spiritual goals.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
petite of a girl or woman, short and slender.
putrid of, concerning, or exhibiting rot or decomposition.
quizzical expressing doubt, confusion, or questioning; puzzled.
remittance money that is sent to someone or some place, usually in payment.
requisite required or essential.
uncouth lacking manners or refinement; rude, vulgar, or gauche.
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous.