Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blade the part of a knife, scissors, or other tool that cuts.
cannon a large gun that is set on wheels or some other base. Cannons fire heavy shells.
child a young human.
fear a strong feeling you get when you expect danger or pain.
golf a game played on a large outdoor course with small holes in the ground spaced far apart. Players use a set of special clubs to hit a small white ball into each of the series of holes. There are nine or eighteen holes in a golf course. The object of the game is to get the ball into each hole using as few strokes as possible.
lightning natural electricity produced in clouds and appearing as a bright flash of light in the sky.
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink and is used for writing and drawing.
middle halfway between two things, places, or points.
oar a long pole that is wide and flat at one end. Oars are used to row or steer a boat.
poor without money, possessions, or other basic needs.
return to go back or come back.
share a part of a whole amount.
skirt a piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and is open all around the bottom.
sofa a comfortable seat with a back and arms made for two or more people; couch.
war a time of very great fighting between countries or groups of people.