Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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beguile to deceive or cheat by using guile.
bravado a false, exaggerated, or boastful display of courage.
consolidate to join together into a whole; combine.
decrepit in poor condition because of old age or much use; dilapidated; worn-out.
delicacy something delightful or rare, especially food.
devious not the straightest, most direct way; winding; roundabout.
incorrigible incapable of being controlled or influenced for the better.
onerous unwanted, unpleasant, and burdensome.
perfidy an act or the practice of conscious, deliberate disloyalty or treachery; breach of faith.
perfunctory done quickly and as a matter of routine; performed without care.
Philistine (sometimes lower case) one who is ignorant of, smugly indifferent to, or hostile to aesthetic and cultural values.
referent anything in the real world or in the imagination that is symbolized or referred to by a word or other symbol.
roster a list of names of individuals or groups belonging to or participating in an organization, class, military or police unit, or the like.
scintillate to send out sparks.
vernacular spoken by the native or common people of a region or country.