Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beautiful very nice to see, hear, or feel.
fan1 a machine that makes air move by means of blades that spin.
furniture objects such as chairs, tables, and beds used to fill a living area.
laugh to smile and make sounds with your mouth. People usually laugh when something is funny to them, but laughing can express other feelings also.
leave1 to go away from a place.
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink and is used for writing and drawing.
painter one who paints pictures.
relief the feeling of not having the pain or worry that you had before.
root the part of a plant that grows under the ground. Roots take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil.
sell to give something to someone in exchange for money.
slide to move easily along a smooth surface.
syrup a thick, sweet liquid.
trouble serious difficulty.
tube a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases.
wheelchair a chair on wheels that is used by people who cannot walk from place to place.