Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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apocalypse any instance of terrible destruction and devastation, especially on a scale that could bring about an end to the world.
clairvoyant possessing the ability to see or know things that are beyond the five senses.
contraband goods banned by law from being imported or exported.
electorate a body of those entitled to participate in an election; qualified voters, as a group.
extricate to free or release from difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; disengage.
fledgling a young bird that has just grown flight feathers or learned to fly.
forbearance the act or capability of refraining or holding back.
incense2 to make very angry.
indisputable not subject to being challenged or denied; unquestionable.
maniacal marked by wildness, craziness, and violence.
mannerism a distinctive and habitual behavioral characteristic.
pariah a despised or socially outcast person.
shroud to screen or conceal.
spendthrift one who is extravagant or wasteful with money; squanderer.
vacillate to hesitate or waver in giving an opinion or making a decision; be indecisive.