Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
flesh the soft parts of the human or animal body that lie between the skin and the bones. Flesh includes muscle and fat.
furious full of anger.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree.
root the part of a plant that grows under the ground. Roots take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil.
snatch to take quickly or suddenly; grab.
spill to cause to flow or fall from a container.
still not moving.
stupid dull or slow to learn; not smart.
switch to change; shift.
teach to show (someone) how to do something or to help (someone) learn something.
tent a shelter held up by poles and rope and made of cloth or plastic.
tie to fasten with something like a string or rope.
trailer a wagon pulled by a car or truck and used to carry a load.
wallpaper paper printed with colors or colored patterns and pasted onto walls and ceilings.