Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptable abed to be changed in order to serve a different purpose or work in a new way.
arid extremely dry, especially from lack of rainfall.
Aurora bands or streamers of light that appear in the sky at night in areas around the magnetic poles, caused by solar particles striking atoms in the outer part of the earth's atmosphere.
char1 to cook or burn so that the surface is blackened; scorch.
clammy unpleasantly moist, cool, and sticky.
composure calmness in thinking or acting; self-control.
despicable worthy of hatred or contempt; worthless; low.
diplomatic careful not to anger people or hurt their feelings.
discourage to cause to lose hope or confidence.
intrigue to draw the strong interest of; puzzle; fascinate.
liberal generous.
reckless paying no attention to danger; not at all careful.
rout1 a confused retreat of troops after they have been beaten.
tribute something given, done, or said to express respect or thanks.
turmoil a state of great confusion or anxiety; commotion.