Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abolition the act of doing away with or putting an end to; the act of abolishing.
appreciation a feeling of thanks.
bureau a chest of drawers.
conceptual of or pertaining to ideas or their formation.
enumeration the act or process of naming or listing one by one.
evacuate to leave or to empty of people for safety reasons.
excise1 a tax levied on the manufacture or sale of certain goods within a nation or state.
extinction the act or process of becoming or making extinct.
mince to cut into very small, fine pieces.
percentage some part of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts.
restrain to hold back or control.
rogue a person who is dishonest or mean.
supplementary additional; extra.
translate to change into the words of another language.
vital having to do with life.