Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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attic the space in a house that is under the roof and over the ceiling of the top floor. People often store things in the attic.
calendar a page or set of pages that shows the days, weeks, and months of a year.
chief the most powerful or important person in a group; leader.
farmer a person who grows crops or raises animals on a piece of land.
fierce wild and dangerous.
fog a thick cloud that is near to the ground.
hotel a place with many rooms and beds where people pay money to sleep and eat meals.
housekeeper a person whose job is to take care of a house, hotel, or other place where people stay.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
leadership ability or skill as a leader.
number a unit with a fixed value that is used to count or to tell the position of something. You can write a number as a word or a symbol, such as "nine" or "9."
starve to die or suffer from not eating.
store a building or other place where you can buy things.
uniform a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group.
whose of or belonging to which person or persons.