Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bond to bind together.
compatible able to exist or function harmoniously with another.
correlation a relationship or correspondence between two or more things.
determinant that which is a factor in causing an outcome.
enthrall to hold the complete attention of; fascinate.
execute to do or carry out; to make (something) become a reality.
handicraft skill at making things by hand.
harassment behavior that threatens, attacks, or offends another person repeatedly.
impair to lessen the strength or ability of; damage.
provision the act of giving something needed; providing.
secede to withdraw from a group or a political union.
spawn to give rise to or result in; engender.
surprisingly in a way or in an amount that is not expected.
swarm to come together or move as a large group or mass.
valid based on truth, fact, or logic.