Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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aid to give help to someone.
country a large area of land where people live under the same government or have the same culture; nation.
crack a break in something.
holiday a day to remember or celebrate something. Many businesses close and people do not go to school or work on a holiday.
hunter a person who tries to find and kill animals for food.
middle halfway between two things, places, or points.
mower a machine with blades for cutting grass or other plants.
poster a sign made of paper or cardboard that is used for advertising, displaying information, or for decoration.
puzzle a toy or problem that you solve by thinking or by arranging letters, words, numbers, or objects.
rim the edge or border of something round or circular.
silver a shiny, soft, white metal that is valuable and used to make jewelry and coins.
slope A surface that is higher on one end than the other.
split a division between two or more people.
table a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs.
tongue the organ in the mouth used for tasting and swallowing and also in human speech.