Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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answer what you say or write after someone asks you a question; a reply.
bunch a group of things of the same kind that are attached to each other.
coin a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round.
dress to put clothing on.
helpful doing useful things for a person or group; giving aid.
hillside the side of a hill.
housework the work of taking care of a household, especially cleaning inside the house.
leap to jump into the air either straight up or across a distance.
number a unit with a fixed value that is used to count or to tell the position of something. You can write a number as a word or a symbol, such as "nine" or "9."
press to put pressure on something, often with one's hands.
slot a long, narrow opening into which something may be put.
tear1 a drop of liquid that comes from the eye. Tears clean the eye and keep it wet.
trick to deceive someone.
wagon a small, open cart with four wheels and a handle, used as a child's toy.
weird strange or odd; puzzlingly unusual.