Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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actively in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating.
circular having a round shape or outline.
distinct different or set apart; separate.
homeland one's native country or region.
illegal against the law or rules; not lawful.
lighten1 to become brighter or less dark in color.
old-fashioned looking or being like past styles, manners, or ways of behaving.
phantom a ghost or something else that seems real, but is not real.
poll a set of questions given to large numbers of people. Polls are used to gather information about what the public thinks.
reliable capable of being trusted or relied on; dependable.
rental something that can be rented.
request the act of asking for something.
resume to start again after stopping.
rude showing poor manners; not polite.
sensor a device that detects and responds to certain changes in the environment, such as light, temperature, sound, or pressure.