Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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attrition a gradual erosion of strength or morale.
bigot one who is prejudiced against and intolerant of any group or belief that is not his or her own, especially religious, racial, or ethnic.
cohort (often derogatory) a friend or associate.
conductive having the ability to allow the passage of electricity
dissociate to sever a mental connection between; separate.
equanimity the quality of remaining calm, serene, or unruffled, especially under stress; composure.
loquacity the quality or an instance of talking a great deal or excessively; talkativeness.
nemesis that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall.
plaintive showing or expressing sadness or sorrow.
precarious so unstable or insecure as to be dangerous; risky.
speculative of, pertaining to, or based on conjecture or theorizing.
uninformative conveying little or no knowledge or understanding.
unyielding hard; firm; resistant to pressure or force.
verbose using or characterized by many or superfluous words; wordy.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.