Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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circuitous having or taking a long and winding course or procedure; roundabout; indirect.
conformist one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms.
cupidity exceptional desire for money or other material possessions; greed.
dogmatist one who asserts opinions or beliefs as though they were facts.
fastidious exceedingly particular or demanding especially in matters of detail; exacting.
imbibe to take up or consume by drinking.
inclusive comprising or covering a great deal; comprehensive.
laxity the state or quality of being careless or slack; looseness.
medley a musical piece that uses the melodies from several different pieces of music.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
perfunctory done quickly and as a matter of routine; performed without care.
repository a container or place where things may be stored; storage unit or space.
satiate to glut or fill to excess; oversupply; surfeit.
vertigo a sensation of unsteadiness or dizziness, such that one's surroundings seem to be whirling around.
vituperate to condemn sharply; blame; berate.