Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amnesty a general pardon given by a government, especially for political offenses.
behavioral of or concerning the actions and reactions of a group, person, animal, or thing.
chafe to abrade, irritate, or wear away by rubbing.
consolidation the act of combining into a whole or mass; unification.
engagement a meeting with someone at a certain time; appointment.
garment any piece of clothing.
grate1 a frame of crossed or parallel metal bars used as a covering or guard over an opening.
immigrant a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land.
irritate to anger or bother.
nocturnal happening in the night.
preen to dress and groom oneself with great care and satisfaction; primp.
prestigious highly esteemed.
ransack to search through thoroughly, especially for items to steal; plunder.
reminisce to recall past experiences, often with fondness or pleasure.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.