Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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boundary something that marks the edge or limit.
central main or principal; most important.
diet the food and drink usually eaten and drunk by a person or animal.
drift the act of being carried away by some force such as the wind or flowing water.
effectively in a way that produces a successful result.
govern to rule or lead.
grammatical of or having to do with the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language.
grubby dirty or messy.
lengthen to make or become longer.
quest a search or pursuit.
ramble to wander or stroll without any particular goal; roam.
ridiculous silly; foolish; laughable.
tuck to gather up and push in or turn under the loose end or edge of.
user one that uses.
wildlife animals that live free of humans and are not tamed.