Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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brave ready to face pain or danger; showing courage.
breath the air that goes into and out of the body through the nose or mouth.
bush a low plant like a small tree.
course the direction or way along which something moves.
cub the young of some mammals that eat meat, such as the bear and lion.
dumb (informal) not smart; stupid.
friendly pleasant toward others.
hall a long space in a building that people walk through to go from one room to another.
less to a smaller degree or amount.
musician a person who has skill at playing, singing, or writing music.
phrase a group of words forming part of a sentence but not having both a subject and a verb.
pin a thin piece of metal with a sharp point and flat or round head. Pins are used to fasten or attach pieces of cloth or similar material.
polite showing good manners.
sink to fall slowly to a lower level.
station the place where a person or thing is normally found.