Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alliance a group of people, countries, or groups that share certain goals and agree to work together.
anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
defamation the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements.
hurtle to move with great speed and often with great noise.
impartial not favoring one more than another; not prejudiced; fair.
indifferent without interest or concern; not caring.
indignation righteous anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
inferior lower in rank, position, or degree.
kin the members of an extended family together; relatives.
offset to make up for or balance.
probe an instrument or tool used to explore the shape, condition, or depth of something that cannot be seen directly.
prospective likely or expected.
refuge a place that protects from danger or difficulty.
sophisticated having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple.
subdivide to make smaller divisions in something already divided.