Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abstract existing without physical shape or substance.
animation the act or result of causing something to become lively or active.
characteristic something that makes a person or thing different from others.
cultivate to make fit for growing plants by plowing, weeding, or adding fertilizer.
economics the study of how goods and services are produced and distributed.
famine a great lack of food over a wide area.
forecast a guess or estimate about something that will happen in the future.
insufficient not enough in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient.
isolate to set apart or separate so as to be alone.
mute not able or willing to speak; silent.
outrage an act that causes a strong feeling of anger because of its violence or cruelty.
spectacle an unusual or splendid sight or public show.
strew to scatter or sprinkle.
terminal found at or forming the end of something.
undo to release from or remove wrapping or fastening from.