Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arrangement the way in which a group of things lie or have been placed.
biography the written story of the facts and events of a person's life.
brace to support, hold steady, or prop up.
clash to strike together with force, making a loud noise.
distant far away in time or space.
erect upright in posture or position.
exception the act or fact of leaving out.
fright strong fear caused by sudden danger.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
pollution poisons, wastes, or other materials that pollute.
prefer to choose above all others as the best liked or most wanted.
rehearse to practice for a show, play, concert, or other performance.
stingy spending or giving as little as possible.
strength the state, quality, or condition of being strong.
traditional relating to customs and ways of doing things in a particular culture that are passed down from parents to children.