Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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able having the power or knowledge to do something.
bare wearing no clothing or covering; naked.
block a solid piece of hard material with flat sides.
breathe to take air into and out of the lungs.
direction control or guidance.
fence a structure used to mark off an area or to keep animals or people in or out.
foam a mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
hurry to move or act with speed.
lap the front of the body from the waist to the knees when you are sitting.
news information about important events happening in the present. The news is presented on television or radio or in a newspaper or magazine.
painful causing discomfort in the body, as from an injury or illness.
ramp a flat surface that connects two different levels.
snoop to look into others' affairs or possessions in a secret way.
soften to make or become soft or softer.
squad a small number of persons trained to work together.