Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridgment the process or an instance of making shorter or condensing.
caustic bitingly critical.
cavil to make petty criticisms or objections; carp (usually followed by "at" or "about").
conciliatory tending to placate or reconcile.
euphemism the word or expression so substituted.
lackluster without brilliance or vitality; dull.
linear having to do with a line; straight.
patronage the financial or other support given to a business establishment by its customers or clients.
polygamy the practice or state of having more than one spouse, especially more than one wife, at a time.
preponderance superiority in amount, strength, significance, weight, or the like.
problematic presenting difficulties or causing doubt; questionable.
solvent having enough funds to meet obligations.
splice to join (two pieces of film, tape, or similar things) at the ends.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.
verbose using or characterized by many or superfluous words; wordy.