Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with").
challenge to invite to enter into a fight or contest of skill; dare.
defy to refuse to obey.
direct to give instructions that lead or guide.
disease a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant; illness; sickness.
droop to hang or sink down; bend in a limp manner.
equality the condition of being the same in value, measure, or amount.
gear any equipment, clothes, or tools used for some particular purpose.
observation the act or an instance of perceiving the environment through one of the senses.
religious devoted to the beliefs of a particular religion.
reveal to make known; tell.
sense to be or become aware of; perceive.
software any of the programs that are written to operate a computer.
stampede the sudden and hurried mass movement of a large group of frightened animals.