Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrator a person who manages, especially in business or public affairs.
cherish to value with great love and care.
commend to speak of with praise for some act or service.
contour the outline of a figure or surface; shape.
detain to keep from going on; stop or delay.
enlist to sign up to serve in the military or in some cause.
entrepreneur someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses.
evolution the process of changing and adapting to an environment over time.
extensive reaching or extending very far.
indignant feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value.
profit the amount of money made by a business that is more than the amount put in at the start or paid out as expenses.
prosperity the state of being wealthy and successful.
refrain1 to hold oneself back; to not enter into a particular action; desist; forbear (often followed by "from").
revive to bring back into use or popularity.
translate to change into the words of another language.