Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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anxiety a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something will happen.
background all of a person's experience, education, and origins.
barge a large, long boat with a flat bottom used for carrying freight.
candidate a person who seeks to be elected or appointed to a certain position.
defense the act of protecting or guarding.
development the act of starting something, working on it, and making it complete.
election the process of choosing a person for office by voting.
flatter to give too much or false praise; try to please by praising.
gloom lack of light; darkness.
guideline a rule that tells people how to do something in the way that is considered best.
instruction the act of giving knowledge; teaching.
prevention the act or process of keeping something unwanted or dangerous from happening.
skit a short, usually funny play.
source the start or cause of something.
steadily in a regular, even, constant way.