Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abscess a sore that forms within the tissues of the body and is filled with pus. Abscesses can be caused by an infection.
assembly a group of people gathered together, usually for a specific purpose.
bachelor a man who has not married.
complexion the natural color and condition of the skin, especially of the face.
gauge to make an estimate of; judge.
incite to bring about, especially by angering or upsetting.
innovative new and inventive.
instinct natural behavior in an animal that is not taught by parents or experience but is simply part of what an animal is born with.
intimate very warm, friendly, or close.
offset to make up for or balance.
patent a government grant that gives someone the right to make, use, or sell an invention. A patent is given for a certain number of years.
policy1 a set of rules or a plan that is used as a guide for action.
retract to pull back in.
seam a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together.
unpredictable not able to be known beforehand.