Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allude to mention (usually followed by "to").
chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface.
climatic of or pertaining to the weather conditions most prevailing in a place.
clinch to make certain or final; settle.
exchangeable capable of being interchanged with or given in return for another.
gist the essential part or idea, as of an argument or written work.
impeccable flawless or blameless; perfect.
miasma a thick, obscuring vapor.
minuscule so small as to be almost negligible; tiny.
parameter any of a set of specifications or limits, the value or variations of which determine the form or behavior of something.
perennial lasting throughout the year or for many years.
progenitor an ancestor or forebear.
recrimination an accusation made in response to being accused by another, or the act of countering one accusation with another.
regurgitate to surge or pour back or out, especially from of a place of containment, as gases, liquids, or undigested food.
tenuous having little substance, support, or significance; flimsy; weak.