Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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approximation an estimate; guess.
caravan a band of people traveling together. Caravans are often formed for safety when crossing a remote area like a desert.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall.
debris scattered pieces left after something has been destroyed.
discrimination the act of treating some people unfairly because of prejudice.
fortress a large, fortified building or area, often around a town or settlement.
functional serving a purpose or able to serve the intended purpose.
guidance the act of guiding.
hazard danger or risk.
miserly stingy or penurious.
scandal a reported behavior or event that is illegal or considered morally wrong and which causes strongly negative public reaction.
sole1 single and alone; not one among others; only.
strut to walk in a proud or vain manner.
verge the border or edge of something.
vortex a whirling mass of fluid, air, or the like, such as a whirlpool, that generates a vacuum in the center toward which things are drawn.