Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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approve to consider good or right.
arrangement the way in which a group of things lie or have been placed.
convince to cause to believe or accept (often followed by "of").
decade a unit of time equal to ten years.
especially more than usually; to a great degree.
eventually at a future time; in the end; finally.
fatal causing or able to cause death.
greed a great desire for more wealth and possessions than one needs or deserves.
gully a deep cut or ditch in the land made by running water.
jerk any sudden, sharp movement that is not expected or planned.
journal a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary.
obtain to get; gain.
position the location of a person or thing.
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream.
upholstery materials used to cover furniture.