Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aggregate a sum, combination, or composite of separable elements.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
castellated constructed with turrets and battlements like a castle.
coeval coinciding in time of origin or existence; contemporary.
declivity a downward or descending slope.
goad something that spurs a person to action; stimulus.
incursion a raid or sudden invasion.
modus operandi a method of accomplishing something; way of working.
oblivious not conscious or paying attention; unknowing or unaware (usually followed by "to" or "of").
perilous causing or involving great danger; risky; hazardous.
rapacious capable of capturing and eating live prey; predacious.
recant to withdraw from commitment to (a former position or statement), especially publicly; retract.
truculent extremely hostile or belligerent; inclined to fight.
untoward unexpected and unfortunate.
woebegone displaying or full of distress.