Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achieve to do or carry out successfully; accomplish.
amazement wonder; great surprise.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within.
conscience the sense that allows a person to decide between right and wrong actions.
flex to bend again and again.
frisk to leap or skip in a lively and happy way.
full-time involving or working the standard number of working hours per week, typically forty hours in the U.S.
invade to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder.
laughter the act or sound of laughing.
litter a mess of waste materials or other objects scattered about.
maximum being or having the largest amount or number possible.
meantime the time that is in between.
resemblance the condition of being or looking alike.
talent a natural skill or ability.
wealthy having a lot of money; rich.