Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agility the ability to move or think easily and quickly.
celibate abstaining from sexual relations, especially because of having taken a vow.
cubicle any very small room or partitioned space, as in an office or dormitory.
decrepit in poor condition because of old age or much use; dilapidated; worn-out.
diligent trying hard and steadily to achieve a goal.
dossier a set of papers or documents that provide detailed information on a particular person or subject.
fiscal pertaining to public or governmental finances.
larceny the stealing of another's personal property; theft.
opulent having or displaying wealth and luxury.
possessive having a strong desire to own and keep things.
preempt to seize or appropriate ahead of others.
resilient able to withstand and recover quickly from difficulty, sickness, or the like.
soporific causing sleep or sleepiness.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect.