Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjourn to stop the process of a formal meeting or court session, often with the intention of starting again at another time.
aggregation the act of collecting or being collected into a whole or mass.
commend to speak of with praise for some act or service.
concede to admit the truth or justice of.
extensive reaching or extending very far.
forsake to leave or desert.
fundamental basic; central; serving as a foundation.
inmate someone who is restricted to a jail, hospital, or the like.
mastery the full grasp of a subject or skill.
momentary lasting only an instant.
premature done, happening, or born before the expected time; too soon.
reasonable using good sense and clear thinking.
regulatory pertaining to or having the purpose of making or enforcing rules.
ritual a set of actions always done in the same way, often because of custom or tradition.
romance a love relationship, either in life or in literature or film.