Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adulation extreme or excessive praise.
conjecture the making of a guess or inference, especially with little evidence.
consecrate to commit or devote to some goal or service.
contiguous in contact; touching; adjoining.
discourse verbal communication; conversation.
dulcet pleasing to the ear; melodious.
imperative very important; urgent.
interrelate to place in or come into a shared, mutual, or reciprocal relationship.
maternity the state of being a mother; motherhood.
quandary a situation of uncertainty, puzzlement, or hesitation; dilemma.
remiss careless or negligent, especially in the performance of one's duty.
resonance ability to make a strong or lasting effect, especially because of an emotional association.
timely happening at just the right moment.
usurp to take and hold (a right, position, office, or the like) illegally, wrongfully, or by force.
wreak to carry out or cause.