Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bulk a large size or mass.
carnivore an animal that eats the flesh of other animals.
conclusion an ending, result, or outcome.
coupon a small, printed slip of paper that gives someone a discount, admission to a performance, or a chance to win a prize.
decision the act or result of making up one's mind.
donate to give in order to help a charity or other group.
example something that shows what a group of things is like.
excuse to forgive or pardon.
filth material that is dirty, disgusting, or foul.
foul very unpleasant to taste, smell, or look at.
glamour the quality of being exciting, charming, and very attractive.
lance a weapon with a long pole and pointed metal head.
screw a metal fastener that is like a nail with grooves that wind around it. A screw can be driven into a surface by turning it while pressing down on the head.
touch to put one's hand or fingers on in order to feel.
treaty a formal agreement between two or more countries.