Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allusive abounding in or characterized by indirect references to culture, history, or other works of art, which are to be recognized or understood by the audience.
altruism unselfish concern for the well-being of others.
bigotry intolerance of any group or belief that is not one's own, especially in the form of racial, ethnic, or religious intolerance and prejudice.
bucolic of or suggesting the countryside or a rustic style of life, especially one that is quiet and pleasant.
burlesque a book, play, skit, or the like that mocks something by comically treating it with inappropriate seriousness or levity.
connotation a secondary meaning or implication of a word or expression, in addition to its primary meaning.
covetous desiring that which belongs to another; wanting possessions; greedy.
gregarious fond of socializing with others; sociable.
languish to lose strength or energy; weaken.
rejuvenate to restore the vigor, health, or appearance of youth to.
testy easily annoyed or angered; irritable; touchy.
throwback a reappearance of an outmoded procedure, system, or the like.
vapid lacking spirit, life, or flavor; dull; uninteresting.
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect.
viscid of a gluelike consistency.