Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annihilate to destroy completely.
confound to perplex or bewilder; confuse.
diminutive very small; tiny.
fatuous smugly foolish or stupid.
gregarious fond of socializing with others; sociable.
lateral about, from, or toward a side or sides; sideways.
monotony tiresome lack of variation.
opprobrium a condition of disgrace or shame; ignominy.
placid calm, smooth, or peaceful.
presumption a belief that is taken for granted but not proved.
pretext a false reason or claim put forward to mask one's true motive or aim.
reassess to evaluate again.
regress to go back or backwards, as in reverting to an earlier form or stage of development.
vociferous crying out, especially in protest; vocal; clamorous.
workaday ordinary; mundane; everyday.